Mar 8, 2009

Mom's Stir Fry

About a pound of top sirloin beef, it's best to cut this up when it is still half frozen. Cut into bite size chunks, marinate in soy sauce, salt and pepper, garlic salt, onion salt for 24 hours, leave in fridge, stir often.

1 bag Wacky Mac spiral noodles, (the noodles are different colors)
You can either buy your own veggies fresh and chop them up and steam them, or buy a frozen bag of stir fry veggies. Best veggies to use: carrots, onion, asparagus, water chestnuts, red bell peppers, sugar snap peas, broccoli, or any favorite
Cook noodles according to package
Steam veggies over low heat with a little bit of water, or olive oil in covered skillet or wok
Brown beef over medium heat in skillet with juice of marinade
Mix beef, noodles, veggies in large bowl, add 1 Tbs soy sauce, and 1 Tbs of Italian dressing, mix well and serve.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Yellie,
    I gotta try this one out. I expect I've had it before though!

